These training courses are addressed to any staff working with any task (educational, managerial, administrative, etc) in any public or private organisation active in the field of education, training and youth. For example, such organisations can be:

  • an adult education school/institute/centre;
  • a school/institute/educational centre;
  • a non-profit organisation, association, NGO;
  • a public body at local, regional or national level;
  • a public or private, small, medium or large enterprise (including social enterprises);
  • a social partner or other representative of working life, including chambers of commerce, craft/professional associations and trade unions;
  • a cultural organisation, library, museum;
  • a higher education institution (including those providing educational opportunities for adults);
  • an establishment for adult learners with special needs;
  • a research institute;
  • a foundation;
  • a body providing career guidance, professional counselling and information services.


Our pedagogical methodology is based on the combination of both formal and non-formal education and seeks to stimulate the active participation, pro-activity, interaction and sharing of all participants involved, while fostering a clear European dimension. In this way, it aims to build a diverse and stimulating environment for reflecting, working and learning. This methodology is characterised by a set of diverse features and tools, such as:

  • appropriate balance of theory and practice
  • team-building and team-working
  • best practice case-studies
  • innovative, relevant and evidence-based contents
  • horizontal and practical approach
  • digital tools
  • blended learning
  • project based working
  • practical laboratory
  • brainstorming
  • role-play
  • self and group assessment and evaluation.

In order to encourage the practical cooperation and exchange between participants, as well as the sharing of their diverse school education systems, practices and experiences, sometimes they will be all together, sometimes with some other peers and sometimes alone, depending on the specific training programme and contents.

Regulary, our classes vary from a minimum of 6 to a maximum of 20 participants, either primary or secondary school teachers and principals.


After the confirmation and before starting, we check the previous knowledge and experience of participants, as well as their specific needs related to the topics of our training course. In addition, we will provide some documents and learning contents of our “Library of Methods & Tools” in order to start getting involved in topics and subjects that will be taught.


In order to provide an always better service in favour of the European educational community, we kindly ask our participants to provide us a feedback on their learning experience. For this reason, evaluation will take place in two steps and through different tools:

–  At the end of every day and throughout the whole session: self and collective assessment

– Afterwards: our organisation will send a specific questionnaire with open questions focussed on some of the most relevant features of our training course. Here the participant will also have the possibility to share its suggestions for improving our services.


All participants are expected to maintain access and communication with the rest of their colleagues as well as with the trainer and participate in useful discussions either through the virtual classroom platform and via e-mail. Trainers and company will also be available for any further questions for a period of 5 months after the end of the course, either through e-mail, virtual classroom platform, individual Skype calls, telephone or WhatsApp. By means of all these tools, we aim to get an effective follow-up, to stimulate peer networking, to keep in touch and to share opinions, experiences and practices for unlimited time.


Our organisation and our training courses fully adhere to the aims and standards of the Erasmus+ Programme and comply with the “Terms and conditions” of the Erasmus+ Tools.

As well as adhere to the specific “Quality standards” for KA1 courses, either in terms of information and transparency, content and pedagogy, services and facilities, European dimension and other relevant issues.

Furthermore, they respect the “Quality commitment” for the Erasmus+ Mobility for school education staff projects.


The entire training catalogue is supported by an international team of experts in different branches education and training. The coordinator and main trainer is Alessandro Gariano (check here for more details).  Other trainers are Ivana Critelli (check here) and Francesco Coin (here).


Please check here.


The average total number of hours per day is 5 (25 hours in total), including:

  • class/laboratory
  • individual counselling
  • daily evaluation

Leisure activities after the training session are optional and can be also organised on request.


English. (Other spoken languages: French, Italian, Spanish).


At the end of the course each participant will be awarded with a certificate of attendance, together with the Europass Mobility Certificate. As for this, please check the right procedure in your Country, visiting this website.

Additional and different documents may be easilty released on request.


Check here our updated calendar!

By the way, additional and different dates and venues can be freely chosen by the sending organisation, upon request and after checking our availability. Here you have a list of our regular and optional training places:

  • Belgium: Brussels
  • Czech Republic: Prague
  • Finland: Helsinki
  • France: Paris
  • Germany: Berlin
  • Greece: Chania/Crete
  • Ireland: Dublin
  • Italy: Rome – Milan – Calabria (Tropea & Gods Coast, Marcellinara & the Isthmus of Italy) – Napoli – Amalfi Coast
  • Malta: Valletta
  • Portugal: Lisbon
  • Netherlands: Utrecht
  • Spain: Madrid, Barcelona, Tenerife, Palma de Mallorca
  • UK: London


In line with the official Erasmus+ Programme guide and rules, the participation fee covers the following services and is calculated as follows:

  • Organisational support: professional preparation; monitoring and support during mobility; validation of learning outcomes: € 50,00
  • Course fee: € 80 x number of training days (e.g.: € 400 for 5 days).

Starting from 4 participants per group, the participation fee is reduced of the 5 up to 10%.


You can participate in one of our trainings counting on your budget or, if your organisation is entitled to it, you can use an Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 1 grant. Either for Adult education or School education staff mobility

Otherwhise you can apply for funding: next deadline is 2nd of February 2018. But be aware that being approved is extremely hard, due to the low budget for this measure. Hence, only the best applications will be financed.

To download the Programme guide and to find out more about your application, please visit the Erasmus+ official website.

We will be pleased to offer free guidance during your project design and bid writing. Just ask for it!

For any further information, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be delighted to find out the best solution for you. Together.